Analog Power Supply 50V/50A (28V/85A)
This project showcases a custom-built analog power supply unit capable of dual-mode operation: 50V/50A or 28V/85A when powered by 220V AC input. The design employs pure analog signal processing for...
This project showcases a custom-built analog power supply unit capable of dual-mode operation: 50V/50A or 28V/85A when powered by 220V AC input. The design employs pure analog signal processing for...
Here you will find information about our antenna splitter working in diapason 1..60MHz. That is used with our famous V-Star Antenna. Schematics Antenna Splitter 1..60MHz Schematics( as PDF)
Here you will find schematics for our version of the popular SDR-1000 transceiver, it uses DDS AD9854 from Analog Devices. Schematics [![SDR-1000 DDS - AD9854](/data/uploads/2009/05/SDR1000_SCH_2...
Тук ще намерите схеми на нашият вариант на популярният SDR-1000, използва DDS AD9854 от Analog Devices. Схеми [![SDR-1000 DDS - AD9854](/data/uploads/2009/05/SDR1000_SCH_20090710-1200x849.jpg)](/...
Here you will find information about our V-Star antenna, which is excellent for transmitting and receiving from 1MHz to 32MHz. It is constructed from design instructions by Karl Rothammel. Gallery...
Тук ще намерите информация за нашата V-звезда антена, която се представя отлично за приемане и предаване на честоти от 1MHz до 32MHz. Галерия <div class=”foogallery foogallery-container foog...
Here you will find how we make our PCB at home for prototyping and experimenting. We are using photo etching with the Positive 20. Gallery <div class=”foogallery foogallery-container foogall...
Тук ще намерите как изработваме платки в домашни условия за нашите прототипи. Използваме метода на фото насищане с лак Positive 20. Галерия <div class=”foogallery foogallery-container foogal...
Here are pictures of LCD panel in different modes of transceiver with commands description. The functions that we support are easy switching between the main frequencies, tuning of generators, setu...
Тук са дадени снимки на LCD панела в различните режими на приемника с описание на командите. Функциите които поддържаме са лесна промяна на основната работна честота, настройка на генераторите, нас...