V-Star Antenna
The V-Star antenna, designed according to Karl Rothammel’s specifications, is a high-performance multi-band system operating across 1-32MHz. This implementation demonstrates exceptional performance...
The V-Star antenna, designed according to Karl Rothammel’s specifications, is a high-performance multi-band system operating across 1-32MHz. This implementation demonstrates exceptional performance...
This documentation details our custom antenna tuning unit (ATU) designed specifically for the V-Star Antenna. The tuner provides precise impedance matching across the entire HF spectrum (1-32MHz), ...
Our legacy PIC16 programmer, custom-built for in-house microcontroller development, served as our primary programming solution before transitioning to PICkit3. Gallery
Here you will find how we make our PCB at home for prototyping and experimenting. We are using photo etching with the Positive 20. Gallery
Here you will find the source code and schematics for interfacing LCD displays based on the Hitachi HD44780U controller with Microchip PIC16 microcontrollers using only 3 I/O pins. The design util...
Here are pictures of LCD panel in different modes of transceiver with commands description. The functions that we support are easy switching between the main frequencies, tuning of generators, setu...
Here you will find schematics for our homemade new SSB/CW transceiver. Synthesizer is based on DDS AD9832 from AnalogDevices and controlled with microcontroller PIC16F877 from Microchip. Schemati...
In 2000-2001, we developed a transceiver featuring a frequency synthesizer controlled by Microchip’s PIC16F84/88 microcontroller. The voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) implementation utilizes Phi...
In the period 2004-2005 we constructed our new transceiver where its frequency synthesizer is based on DDS AD9832 from AnalogDevices, and a PIC16F877 processor from Microchip for controlling. Demo...